Break time
I'm taking an internet break. Click here if you'd like to read the details. Feel free to leave me any suggestions for tips that you'd like and I'll get back to them when I return :)

Updating myself
I am the first one to admit that I am terrible about updating my own stuff. I'm all for fixing up other people's stuff and having it perfectly up to date, but when it comes to MY blogs, I'm super slow. Sorry about that. I don't think I'm lazy...I just think I get distracted easily and forget stuff. Soooo...
Today I went through my posts and updated both my **BLOG TIPS** and my Awards and Prizes tabs that you can find at the top of this page.
Then I went through y'alls blogs looking for buttons and found lots of them that I needed to share. Some of them, like blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell, I've followed for a long time but they've been busy updating and I haven't caught up with them until now. Not that I haven't read them. I read everyone all the time. I just haven't posted their new stuff yet.
You can get to each of these blogs simply by clicking on their buttons (including blueviolet's pretty new purple button....by the way, she has LOTS and LOTS of giveaways so you should really visit her if you like getting free stuff!). Their sites will open in a new tab so don't worry about clicking like crazy and losing me. You'll still have me and you'll get them so CLICK AWAY!!

I've also started following a new cooking blog, Laurie Holcombe aka Laurie's Kitchen. You can click here to visit her and also get to know her on my cookbook today where she is my Featured Chef by clicking here. She is pretty awesome and I think you'll like her!
And last but not least, the beautiful Ji @ Jingle has given me some awards that I need to share with you...

Today I went through my posts and updated both my **BLOG TIPS** and my Awards and Prizes tabs that you can find at the top of this page.
Then I went through y'alls blogs looking for buttons and found lots of them that I needed to share. Some of them, like blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell, I've followed for a long time but they've been busy updating and I haven't caught up with them until now. Not that I haven't read them. I read everyone all the time. I just haven't posted their new stuff yet.
You can get to each of these blogs simply by clicking on their buttons (including blueviolet's pretty new purple button....by the way, she has LOTS and LOTS of giveaways so you should really visit her if you like getting free stuff!). Their sites will open in a new tab so don't worry about clicking like crazy and losing me. You'll still have me and you'll get them so CLICK AWAY!!

I've also started following a new cooking blog, Laurie Holcombe aka Laurie's Kitchen. You can click here to visit her and also get to know her on my cookbook today where she is my Featured Chef by clicking here. She is pretty awesome and I think you'll like her!
And last but not least, the beautiful Ji @ Jingle has given me some awards that I need to share with you...
Thank you so much Ji!! You are so sweet ♥ I'd like to share all of these awards with all of you reading this so please take them and proudly post them or whatever you want to do :)
Have a great day everyone!

This love is about:
Blog buttons,
New Blogs
Grrr is right. I'm mad at my comment form...again. For some reason it's not letting anyone comment. On any of my blogs. It won't even let ME comment. I tried. Grrr.
I've emailed ID to ask for help. If they don't get it straightened out, I'm going to remove it. I like it but it's not worth me missing out on comments.
*Update: I think the issue was my comment luv plugin. You can try to use my comment form or email me. Whichever you prefer :) Thanks*

I've emailed ID to ask for help. If they don't get it straightened out, I'm going to remove it. I like it but it's not worth me missing out on comments.
*Update: I think the issue was my comment luv plugin. You can try to use my comment form or email me. Whichever you prefer :) Thanks*

This love is about:
comment widget,
Intense Debate comment widget
Happy Birthday Shakira ♥
Put your party hats on and get ready for some cake! Today is a very special day! It's the beautiful and sweet Shakira's birthday!! Yay! I won't tell you how old she is (she can if she wants too) but I wanted to take this moment to tell her Happy Birthday and I love you!!

Click here to go to her blog and tell her Happy Birthday :)

This love is about:
Happy Birthday Shakira,
New blogs
First let me tell you that my computer has issues. It hates the internet suddenly which really bites because I love the internet but I can't seem to figure out what the issue is so for now I'm just babying it and goin' on.
This means that I'm writing today's posts now (Monday night) whilethe goober my computer is cooperating and will schedule them for tonight at midnight or so...
Hopefully I'll be able to get online tomorrow and visit all of you but if not, I'll be there as soon as I can!
Now let me tell you that I am a horrible person! Ok, not really, but I am really bad about forgetting to tell you about new blogs that I follow. So, finally, here are the newest blogs that I follow:

*By the way Beth, something is wrong with your button code on your Garden Gate blog. It won't let you copy it sweetie...just thought I'd let you know!*

This means that I'm writing today's posts now (Monday night) while
Hopefully I'll be able to get online tomorrow and visit all of you but if not, I'll be there as soon as I can!
Now let me tell you that I am a horrible person! Ok, not really, but I am really bad about forgetting to tell you about new blogs that I follow. So, finally, here are the newest blogs that I follow:
- Chronicles of Marnia (this is one of the FOTTSP bloggers and I finally found my way over to her blog...sorry it took me so long!)
- Food As Art (this is our own Beth from Beyond the Garden Gate but it's her food blog)
And she has a cutsie button :-)

*By the way Beth, something is wrong with your button code on your Garden Gate blog. It won't let you copy it sweetie...just thought I'd let you know!*
- Graceful (I've tried to follow Michelle's blog before but it would never let me. It finally is letting me but now it won't let me leave comments...yikes)
- My Blessings of Kinship (This is Shakira's new blog just for awards)
And one more new button....click on it to visit duane~scott :)

This love is about:
Blog buttons,
New Blogs
I have been blessed with some wonderful, true friends here in blogland and I love them all. This weekend three of them gave me awards that really lifted me up when I was down and feeling unloved.
My sweet friend Terry @ Canadian Blogger gave me the following encouragement. It touched my heart so much!

be encouraged kathy..the lord knows your heart and is ever near to you and he is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother!...love terry
That was exactly what I needed to see and hear dear Terry! I love you! Thank you ♥
My sister from a different mister Shakira @ My Blessings of Kinship, her new blog just for awards, gave me the following awards:

Thank you so much babydoll...I love you!
And finally, the sweet and talented Ji @ Jingle gave me the following awards:
Thank you so much Ji! I love you!

My sweet friend Terry @ Canadian Blogger gave me the following encouragement. It touched my heart so much!

be encouraged kathy..the lord knows your heart and is ever near to you and he is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother!...love terry
That was exactly what I needed to see and hear dear Terry! I love you! Thank you ♥
My sister from a different mister Shakira @ My Blessings of Kinship, her new blog just for awards, gave me the following awards:

Thank you so much babydoll...I love you!
And finally, the sweet and talented Ji @ Jingle gave me the following awards:

Thank you so much Ji! I love you!

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle
Jingle has given me some more wonderful awards! Here they are:
Thank you so much Ji!! Because you are so sweet and always include me in your award giveaways, I'd like to give you the following award! I hope you like it!

Thank you so much Ji!! Because you are so sweet and always include me in your award giveaways, I'd like to give you the following award! I hope you like it!

MORE awards from Jingle
For those of you that know Jingle, you know that she looooves to give awards. Sometimes I am quite overwhelmed by the amount of awards she gives out and get confused over which ones are meant for me. I think I have these right...like I said, I get confused lol
You can visit Jingle here and now here :)

Thank you Ji ♥
You can visit Jingle here and now here :)

I just thought I'd share this video with y'all today. It's just crazy if you ask me! I post under my own name though and not anonymous so I guess if someone wanted to sue me for my opinion it'd be easy to find me :)

This love is about:
Blog Tips,
sued over blog,
Things I love and things I don't love
I told you yesterday that something had made me very unhappy but I wasn't going to get into it on my daughter's birthday. Today, however, you will hear about it.
If you read my Happy At Home blog then you already know why I'm upset. Aggravated is a much better word. Here's the deal...
My fish is very sick. More than likely she's going to die. I spent all of my free time yesterday and last night trying to research what is wrong with her. The key word there is trying.
Most of the sites Google sent me to were no help at all. That really makes me mad. Why did Google say they were good sites for the answers I so desperately needed? Because of the tags that were put on people's posts. They added tags that had NOTHING to do with the actual post that they wrote. That is so wrong to me.
Google has no idea that their search results are wrong. As far as I know they don't anyway. Their robots search the site and the labels aka tags that the site administrator added to their posts lies to the robots and makes them think there is something about that thing on the site when there really isn't. (Does that make sense?)
So today I'd like to suggest to you...to BEG YOU...PLEASE DO NOT ADD TAGS THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR POST! I wasted a lot of time going to sites that did not contain what they claimed to contain.
Ok, I feel better now. To feel EVEN better, I'm moving on to the things I love :)
My friends Amy @ Keeping Up With The Schultz Family and Ji @ Jingle have both given me several awards. I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to post them ladies!
From Amy:
Thank you so much Amy & Ji ♥ I love them and y'all!
I hope all of you reading this have a wonderful day! See you soon!

If you read my Happy At Home blog then you already know why I'm upset. Aggravated is a much better word. Here's the deal...
My fish is very sick. More than likely she's going to die. I spent all of my free time yesterday and last night trying to research what is wrong with her. The key word there is trying.
Most of the sites Google sent me to were no help at all. That really makes me mad. Why did Google say they were good sites for the answers I so desperately needed? Because of the tags that were put on people's posts. They added tags that had NOTHING to do with the actual post that they wrote. That is so wrong to me.
Google has no idea that their search results are wrong. As far as I know they don't anyway. Their robots search the site and the labels aka tags that the site administrator added to their posts lies to the robots and makes them think there is something about that thing on the site when there really isn't. (Does that make sense?)
So today I'd like to suggest to you...to BEG YOU...PLEASE DO NOT ADD TAGS THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR POST! I wasted a lot of time going to sites that did not contain what they claimed to contain.
Ok, I feel better now. To feel EVEN better, I'm moving on to the things I love :)
My friends Amy @ Keeping Up With The Schultz Family and Ji @ Jingle have both given me several awards. I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to post them ladies!
From Amy:
From Ji:
Thank you so much Amy & Ji ♥ I love them and y'all!
I hope all of you reading this have a wonderful day! See you soon!